Fill the Gap Coaching Sessions

Our Why

Over the last many years, we’ve noticed a huge increase in the need to assist individuals struggling with mental health. Situations that range from severe mental health diagnosis, death in the family, stress or anxiety with school or activity, or any other life crises may leave you wanting time to process. We also are aware that it can take weeks, or even months, to get an appointment with a healthcare professional.

Here at the Ridge, we’ve seen the need, and we want to Fill the Gap between life experiences and getting in to see a professional.  Because of this, we have started a team of gap fillers who are specifically trained in listening well, asking good questions, inviting God in, and casting no judgment. A place where we hope you can come and talk it out in a safe environment and be referred to a professional if it is needed.

We want to start with our youth at Junkyard to kick this group off. On the first Wednesday of every month, there will be a space where students can come and talk to this team of gap fillers if they feel the need between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. There’s no pressure and no judgment. This is a space to talk freely with someone willing to listen. 
