Second Chance Project

Changing the World Together
Proverbs 19:17 says: “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done”

Homes for the Homeless

The Second Chance Project is a non-profit organization empowered to find housing and enrich the lives of the homeless in the Des Moines metro and surrounding communities.


Second Chance Project offers a variety of programs designed to achieve faster results with housing the homeless. Food, hotel accommodations ( extreme emergency),  safe travel back home to family ( bus or train), resume building,  job assistance, housing representation,  and fast access to the DMV and Social Security Administration are several of the ways 2CP supports the homeless. Second Chance Project believes that Jesus did not pick and choose who to serve, he saved everybody. 


Thanks to the support of donors and volunteers, the Second Chance Project  has been able to make a significant impact in our local communities. As of May 28th, 2024, they have helped over 172 families end their homeless struggles, and the Second Chance Project is on target to change the lives of 300 homeless people by the end of the first year in operation.

Ways to Be Involved

There are several ways to support this ministry from donations to volunteering your time, and taking a ride-along with Heath Britt, founder of Second Chance Project, to learn more about the day-to-day of the ministry. 
  • Donate gift cards to Quik Trip or McDonald’s (in increments of $10)
  • Donate needed furniture (beds, tables, couches, chairs, dishes) Please contact 515-965-1737, ext. 224 for drop off locations.
  • Household items such as toiletries and cleaning products. Please contact 515-965-1737, ext. 224 for drop off locations.
  • Donate Financially: An $80 gift covers the processing fees per candidate. (To donate, go to Give ->Missions -> in Memo put Second Chance Project)
There are several ways to volunteer for Second Chance Project and the community they serve. Please fill out the 'Join Our Team' form located here.

Questions about Second Chance Project or serving opportunities?