Women's Mentoring & Triad Groups

Women's Mentoring at The Ridge

Women’s Mentoring involves a six-month commitment to cultivating a deep, meaningful relationship between two women and a prayer partner as they journey together through a life focused on learning about Jesus. 


Mentors are not Bible scholars or counselors; rather, they simply feel the nudge to intentionally come alongside another woman to offer encouragement and care. Mentors listen well, love well and point their mentee to God and to His Word. 


Mentees are women at various points along life's journey who feel they could benefit from someone who will listen to and encourage them. The mentee is not required to be a Christian, but the focus of the relationship is to learn more about Jesus and  the Bible. So, a mentee might be someone curious about Jesus or someone newer to faith who would like to learn more. The mentee might also be someone who has been a follower of Jesus for many years and would like to have a mentor for a season.

Prayer Partners

Prayer Partners are a vital part of this relationship and offer prayer support throughout. They agree to meet with the mentor/mentee pair during their initial meeting and, after that, they commit to confidentially praying for the pair during the six months.

Women's Triads at The Ridge

Women’s Triads involve either a six-month commitment (twice a month) or one-year commitment (once a month) to cultivating a deep, meaningful relationship between three women in a "peer mentoring" relationship to sharpen & encourage each other as they mutually apply biblical knowledge into the lives of each other.

If three women who know each other would like to be in a triad for a season, all three women can fill out the application and write in the form who you would like to have in your triad. If a woman is seeking some women to join her in a triad but needs help finding those people, she can fill out the registration form and we will begin the process of discerning who would be a good match.  

Next Steps

Interest in the Mentoring Program? Complete an Online Application
Interest in the Triad Program? Click Here
Questions? Email Cheryl Sidler

After Completing The Application:
You will receive an email that your form has been received within a day or two.  Mentors, mentees, prayer partners, and triad participants are matched by a confidential prayer team seeking God's guidance. They are also matched based on what they expressed about their life stage, their hope for the journey and their availability. The mentee, mentor, and triad participants will have a meeting with someone on the mentor/triad leadership team to talk further about their involvement in the program before they begin. The process of finding the right match can take a few weeks.

For the Mentor Program:
Once we have discerned the right match, they will be contacted to begin the process.  Resources will be provided for the mentor to prepare for the initial meeting with her mentee and prayer partner. The prayer partner is only required at the initial meeting to share contact information and pray over the mentor/mentee pair before leaving. After the prayer partner leaves, the mentor/mentee can get to know each other and make a plan for future meetings. The mentor will let the leadership team know when the initial meeting occurs to kick off the official start of the six-month relationship.  From there, they will receive monthly support and encouragement from the mentor leadership team to help navigate their entire adventure together.

For the Triad Program:
Once the triad participants are confirmed, they will be connected in order to schedule their first meeting.  They will also be given information to help them begin well, along with monthly encouragement to help them along the way.

Questions? Email our team.