Zambia Missions

Our Mission in Zambia

2 Corinthians: 9: 7, 12
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.


Through the ministry of Shoulder 2 Shoulder, Prairie Ridge Church has formed a partnership with a church in Petauke, Zambia, to provide financial, food and agricultural support to Zambians. PRC members Rob and Ronda Wheeler established Shoulder 2 Shoulder with the intent of feeding hungry brothers and sisters in Christ. Soon, this led to a partnership with Pastor Moses Banda and the Simambwe Baptist Church.

To learn more about Shoulder2Shoulder and their relief efforts, click here.

In addition to Shoulder 2 Shoulder, ministry leaders have partnered with ZIAP, Zambia Iowa Agricultural Partners.  ZIAP assists local farmers by developing sustainable farming agribusiness to provide for the needs of local families. Learn more here

“The Iowa ministry partnership is such a blessing to me and my fellow pastors and the community.”
– Pastor Banda

Have Ideas For How to Serve? 

To increase our impact and empower mission-like thinking, The Ridge offers Missional Grants. Missional Grants are designed to encourage and empower individuals and small groups to be bold and creative with service opportunities.
We want you to be the church, and we can increase your impact by financially helping you do it!